Mom always had these mysterious little jars full of square wrapped cubes but I was never ever interested in using them. I kind of knew they were dissolved to make soup, but I just couldn’t …
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Beef and Bell Pepper
This was a regular meal in our house back in the day. It used to be one of my favorites – and it was something mom used to be able to throw together pretty quickly. …
Vintage Banana Bread
Mom’s banana bread was soft and fragrant, with little bits of nuts scattered throughout. Sometimes she cooked it in an old glass loaf pan, but usually she made it into little cupcakes. I would gorge …
Cast iron: Mom’s secret seasoning
Growing up there was always a cast iron pan sitting out on our stove. It was mom’s go-to for cooking but I always hated it. It was big and black and heavy and hard to …
Sweet Tea in the Summer
Who hasn’t heated a mug of water in the microwave and dunked a tea bag into it? Simple right? It follows then that making a glass of sweet tea would be ridiculously easy. As common …
Christmas Cookies
I can’t wait for Christmas! By then, hopefully, all the cleaning and painting and organizing will be done, and the house will look nice. Although we haven’t really bothered the past few years, this year …
Buttermilk biscuits!
So here is my first post and how this whole blog got started. You see, I’ve been trying to recreate my mom’s recipes and I’ve been storing them all in a Word doc and it’s …